Belavia was forced to suspend flights to Moscow (Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo airports), to the cities of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. In this regard, the Embassy of Belarus in Russia, in close contact with Russian colleagues, is working on the issue of the evacuation of Belarusian citizens who remained at Moscow airports through diplomatic road transport.
27.04.2021. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus S.Aleinik participates in the commemorative event on the occasion of the 35th Anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. 26.04.2021. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus M.Barysevich meets the Honorary Consul of Belarus in Baghdad. 22.04.2021.
Authentic Medieval Restaurant The DS-160 must be completed and submitted online prior to your interview at the U.S. Embassy Riga. The barcode number on the DS-160 confirmation page is required in order to book your interview. The Form DS-160 must be submitted online - the U.S. Embassy Riga will not accept handwritten or typed applications and you will not be permitted to attend your interview without a DS-160 confirmation 2020-08-04 · Embassy of Uzbekistan in Riga, Latvia The EmbassyPage for Uzbekistan's embassy in Riga has updated and verified contact details for the mission, and for the consular section of the embassy, including address, telephone numbers, fax number and email address, as well as information about the embassy's website and social media presence. Redirecting to Bělorusko - Velvyslanectví Minsk.
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ru; be; Посолство. Посланик на Република Беларус; Сътрудники; Новини; Адрес и работно време Foreign Minister V.Makei participates in the 69th session of the UN Economic Commission for Europe 20.04.2021 Ambassador of Belarus S.Terentiev meets the Head of the Egyptian Commercial Service – First Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry of Egypt 20.04.2021 Konzulární poplatky. Platební prostředky. O zdravotním pojištění cizích státních občanů. Migrační karty. Pravidla pro pobyt cizích státních příslušníků a osob bez občanství v Republice Bělarus.
Выступление Президента Федеративной Республики Германия Франка-Вальтера Штайнмайера по случаю 75-й годовщины освобождения от национал-социализма и окончания Второй Mebelj v belarusi: Производим и поставляем экскаваторы-погрузчики на тракторах беларус. Цепные экскаваторы с цепью от 140мм. Коммунальные машины (щётка+отвал ) Вышки, Ямокопатели с глубиной копания до 2м.
2020-08-04 · Embassy of Uzbekistan in Riga, Latvia The EmbassyPage for Uzbekistan's embassy in Riga has updated and verified contact details for the mission, and for the consular section of the embassy, including address, telephone numbers, fax number and email address, as well as information about the embassy's website and social media presence.
Posolstvo Belarusi V Litve Zabrosali Kartoshkoj Reform By. V Litve Neizvestnyj Brosil Petardu Na Territoriyu Posolstva Belarusi Belnaviny. Posolstvo belarusi v litve. 29 12 2020 о подписании плана совместных мероприятий с. 29 12 2020 ministry of foreign affairs of belarus and international committee of the red cross sign plan of joint events for 2021.
Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica: no Latvijas pilsoņu aktivitātes būs atkarīgs, cik lielā mērā Eiropas nākotnes konferences darbā tiks akcentēti un sadzirdēti mums svarīgie jautājumi
13.04.2021. Update in the Section “Interviews and Articles” — transcript of the interview of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus V.Makei to the TV channel “Belarus 1”. 10.04.2021. Foreign Minister V.Makei participates in the 69th session of the UN Economic Commission for Europe 20.04.2021 Ambassador of Belarus S.Terentiev meets the Head of the Egyptian Commercial Service – First Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry of Egypt 20.04.2021 Belavia was forced to suspend flights to Moscow (Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo airports), to the cities of Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
10.04.2021. Foreign Minister V.Makei participates in the 69th session of the UN Economic Commission for Europe 20.04.2021 Ambassador of Belarus S.Terentiev meets the Head of the Egyptian Commercial Service – First Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry of Egypt 20.04.2021
Belavia was forced to suspend flights to Moscow (Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo airports), to the cities of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. In this regard, the Embassy of Belarus in Russia, in close contact with Russian colleagues, is working on the issue of the evacuation of Belarusian citizens who remained at Moscow airports through diplomatic road transport. bg.
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В связи с выборами президента Беларуси у посольства Беларуси в Риге образовалась очередь, сообщили агентству ЛЕТА в посольстве. Во вторник, 15 сентября, у посольства Беларуси в Риге прошла акция протеста в поддержку Во вторник, 15 сентября, у посольства Беларуси в Риге прошла акция протеста в поддержку covid-19 covid-19; Об объявлении чрезвычайной ситуации в Латвии Об объявлении чрезвычайной ситуации в Латвии Сегодня с 18.00 до 20.00 в Риге напротив посольства республики Беларусь пройдет пикет, чтобы выразить поддержку жителям этой страны, протестующим против фальсификации итогов президентских выборов, сообщили в Рижской думе. Ąntonijas iela, 2 Rīga, Latvija, LV-1010 +371 67332151 +371 67305255 +371 67830209 .
The barcode number on the DS-160 confirmation page is required in order to book your interview. The Form DS-160 must be submitted online - the U.S. Embassy Riga will not accept handwritten or typed applications and you will not be permitted to attend your interview without a DS-160 confirmation
2020-08-04 · Embassy of Uzbekistan in Riga, Latvia The EmbassyPage for Uzbekistan's embassy in Riga has updated and verified contact details for the mission, and for the consular section of the embassy, including address, telephone numbers, fax number and email address, as well as information about the embassy's website and social media presence.
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О встрече Министра иностранных дел Беларуси В.Макея с главой Федерального департамента (Министром) иностранных дел Швейцарской Конфедерации
29 12 2020 о подписании плана совместных мероприятий с. 29 12 2020 ministry of foreign affairs of belarus and international committee of the red cross sign plan of joint events for 2021. 370 5 272 38 77 эл. Foreign Minister V.Makei participates in the 69th session of the UN Economic Commission for Europe 20.04.2021 Ambassador of Belarus S.Terentiev meets the Head of the Egyptian Commercial Service – First Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry of Egypt 20.04.2021 Ambassador of Belarus V.Rybak met with the president of the Council of Higher Education of Turkey 15.04.2021 Ambassador of Belarus Y.Senko presents Credentials to the President of the PRC 14.04.2021 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Mikalai Barysevich meets the Ambassador of Iran 13.04.2021 За сутки в Беларуси зарегистрированы 888 пациентов с covid-19, выписаны 742 20.04.2021 В Беларуси с Riga LV-1010 Latvia; Telephone +371 6781 3945; Fax +371 6781 3960; Email [email protected] Office Hours; Monday to Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm; Website Office website The mission of the United States Embassy is to advance the interests of the United States, and to serve and protect U.S. citizens in Belarus . Posolstvo Belarusi V Litve Obvinilo Vlasti Vilnyusa V Tom Chto Uchastniki Piketov Ostavlyayut Vozle Ogrady Besporyadok Bobruisk Ru Posolstvo Krasoty Francuzskaya Kosmetologicheskaya Klinika The Marche Region Discover The Beauty Of Italy Riga Historical Buildings Art Nouveau Art Deco More Stock Foreign Minister V.Makei participates in the 69th session of the UN Economic Commission for Europe 20.04.2021 Ambassador of Belarus S.Terentiev meets the Head of the Egyptian Commercial Service – First Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry of Egypt 20.04.2021 Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica: no Latvijas pilsoņu aktivitātes būs atkarīgs, cik lielā mērā Eiropas nākotnes konferences darbā tiks akcentēti un sadzirdēti mums svarīgie jautājumi прийом громадян з консульських питань (візи, транзит, громадянство, посвідки, довідки, консульський облік тощо) здійснюється ВИКЛЮЧНО за попереднім онлайн записом на сайті Ąntonijas iela, 2 Rīga, Latvija, LV-1010 +371 67332151 +371 67305255 +371 67830209 . с понедельника по четверг с 8.30 до 17.30, в пятницу с 8.30 до 16.15 Posolstvo Belarusi V Litve Vse Zhe Vydalo Vizy Litovskim Konservatoram Ru Delfi.