Amharic fiction, 6. Amharic fiction History and criticism, 2. Amharic language, 37. Amharic language Alphabet, 2. Amharic language Alphabet Early works to
መጽሐፍ ቅዱስ Amharic Bible - [Selassie] ለማንበብ እና በእንግሊዝኛና በአማርኛ (እና 35 ሌሎች ቋንቋዎች) መጽሐፍ ቅዱስን ለመስማት ለማውረድ እና ቅዱስ መተግበሪያ ይጠቀሙ የ Android ወይም Apple (IOS) መሣሪያ በመጠቀም ከሆነ:
The Ethiopian alphabet or Amharic letters is also known as Ethiopic or Geez is one of the oldest used in the world. Amharic Alphabets – ፊደላት in Amharic // ልጆችን አማርኛ የማስተማርያ ቀላልና አስደሳች ዌብሳይት:: ይሞክሩት አሁን! Easy and Fun way to learn the Amharic language. Try it online now. Amharic is written with a version of the Ge'ez script known as ፊደል (Fidel). Amharic contains many letters (consonants and vowels).
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BLOG — Esther Havens - Humanitarian Photographer · · Russian language , alphabet and pronunciation · Hangul, Han´gul, the Korean Alphabet. Roman &
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Learn Amharic online the quick and easy way. We gathered the most important topics such as vocabulary phrases grammar and flashcards so that you only learn what you will actually need to learn for free.
Archive of freely downloadable fonts. Browse by alphabetical listing, by style, by author or by popularity. amh. Den amhariska texten የኢትዮጵያ ("Etiopien") på ett flygplan från Ethiopian Airlines.
Amharic Alphabet Lessons is a colorful
uh*, oo, ee, aa/a, ae/ay, eh, O. h. ሀ. ha. ሁ. hu. ሂ. hee.
Learn amharic alphabet with free interactive flashcards.
Vote for this video or add it on your profile so you can easily access it later. Fidel is an app which designed to easily teach Geez/Amharic letters.
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It is a semitic language and is written with a unique alphabet used only in Ethiopia and Eritrea. In this app you can see many common words used in the Amharic
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