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Lokmat Group has other news daily named lokmat samachar published in Hindi language. The newspaper covers all daily national and international news from around the world. Lokmat Samachar is a Hindi daily newspaper from Lokmat group. It is published from Aurangabad, Nagpur, Marathwada, North Maharashtra, Madhyanchal and Akola. It is one of the largest readerships Hindi daily in the state of Maharashtra. Lokmat Samachar launched in the year 1989.

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It is so… Lokmat Marathi Newspaper: Get Latest ePaper in Marathi with one of the most popular Marathi newspaper Lokmat. Click here to read Today's Lokmat ePaper in Marathi. 2019-03-08 · Read the full newspaper online, on your smartphone and tablet De senaste tweetarna från @MiLOKMAT Lokmat (literally 'People's Opinion') is a Marathi language newspaper published in Maharashtra state.

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