Petterson v. Pattberg. Facts: Defendant made an offer to plaintiff that he would relieve the plaintiff of his mortgage at a discount rate if the plaintiff would pay the discounted amount by a certain date. Plaintiff responded to the offer by going to defendant's house to pay the discounted amount.


Therefore, even if the offeree had begun performance, the offeror could revoke the offer. See Petterson v. Pattberg, 248 N.Y. 86 (1928) . For example: 

Pattberg, 248 N. Y. 86, 161 N. E. 428 (1928). PETTERSON v. PATTBERG. Court of Appeals of New York.

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Pattberg, 248 N. Y. 86, 161 N. E. 428 (1928). Barnett does, however, include cases such as Petterson v. Pattberg, 161 N.E. 428 (N.Y.. 1928), reprinted in BARNETT, supra note 4, at 395. Although Petterson   1 Oct 2017 Ray v. William G. Eurice & Bros., Inc. Maryland Court of Appeals Chase was a contracts teacher,) The next case, Petterson v, Pattberg,  Common Law Contracts versus U.C.C.

Court of Appeals of New York, 1928.

Petterson v. Pattberg, 222 App. Div. 693, reversed. 4. (Decided February 20, 1928; decided May 1, 1928.) 5. [] APPEAL from a judgment of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the second judicial department, entered November 18,1927, affirming a judgment in favor of plaintiff entered upon a verdict directed by the court. 6.

16 Petterson v. Pattberg, 248 N.Y. 86, 161  breached, its conditions were never met.

Pattberg Facts: Defendant held mortgage note against Plaintiff's property. Defendant offered to Plaintiff that he would accept a discounted payment in full on the mortgage. Plaintiff went to pay the discounted amount to Defendant.

Rest. §30; 32; 45; 54; 62;. Conclusion: The Court held that due to the fact that the provisions of the contract were unilateral, the bond owner was rightfully able to withdraw the offer before  Lonergan v. Scolnick. Normile v. Miller.

Petterson v pattberg

May 1, 1928. KELLOGG, J. The evidence given upon the trial sanctions the following statement of facts: John Petterson, of whose last will and testament the plaintiff is the executrix, was the owner of a parcel of real estate in Brooklyn, known as 5301 Sixth avenue. Petterson v.
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Petterson v pattberg

6. 'Tween promisee and promisor.

161 N.E. 428 (N.Y.
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Baehr v penn-o-tex oil-no consideration for the promise to pay rent to baehr. - Inducement test. Petterson v. Pattberg (1928)- Offer can be revoked at any point prior to performance of the condition, whether or not performance is immi

(Decided February 20, 1928; decided May 1, 1928.) 5. [] APPEAL from a judgment of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the second judicial department, entered November 18,1927, affirming a judgment in favor of plaintiff entered upon a verdict directed by the court. 6. Petterson-1 PETTERSON v. PATTBERG 161 N.E. 428 (N.Y.