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Dear parents and students: I would like to introduce our schools, International English Schools, in this brief presentation. When starting The English School in 1993, it was with the conviction that commanding the English language is imperative in order for youngsters to be able to realize their full potential in the modern world.
Transparency – the key to success School Soft makes it easy for parents to be involved in their children's schooling. It is a simple, web-based program, designed to help parents, teachers and students communicate with each other and keep track of the day-to-day schoolwork. School Soft offers full disclosure and transparency. When logged in, parents will find information about During spring 2020 IES Älvsjö carried out a Skapande skola (Creative school) project in collaboration with Teater X ( In this project, our year 6 students … 7B had remote lessons, and distance education from home in January, so we did an unconventional materials project.
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Welcome to IES Helsingborg! Telephone: +46 (0)70 946 6249 School is open: 07:30-16:00 If you need a parking permit please visit the reception. E-mail: Our address: Internationella Engelska Skolan Helsingborg Magistergatan 2 252 45 Helsingborg For contact information to all our staff please visit: About Our School At IES Hässelby we have a team of highly qualified and experienced international and Swedish teachers from a variety of countries, all working hard to ensure the provision of outstanding learning environments. We are committed to creating and maintaining a school where teachers can teach and students can learn. Contact details to your child's teachers are found on SchoolSoft.
It is a simple, web-based program, designed to help parents, teachers and Staff and students. Press the button External login to sign in with Google. If you are using a shared device, remember to logout from SchoolSoft, this takes you to Hej och välkommen till digitalt PTA möte 3 februari 18.00 - 20.00.
Öppenhet – nyckeln till framgång School Soft gör det enkelt för föräldrar att ta del av sina barns skolarbete. Det är ett enkelt, webbaserat program som är utformat för att hjälpa föräldrar, lärare och elever att kommunicera med varandra och hålla ordning på det dagliga skolarbetet.
It is a simple, web-based program, designed to help parents, teachers and students communicate with each other and keep track of the day-to-day schoolwork. School Soft offers full disclosure and transparency.
Öppenhet – nyckeln till framgång School Soft gör det enkelt för föräldrar att ta del av sina barns skolarbete. Det är ett enkelt, webbaserat program som är utformat för att hjälpa föräldrar, lärare och elever att kommunicera med varandra och hålla ordning på det dagliga skolarbetet. School Soft erbjuder fullständig insyn och transparens.
It is a simple, web-based program, designed to help parents, teachers and students communicate with each other and keep track of the day-to-day schoolwork.
Det är ett enkelt, webbaserat program som är utformat för att hjälpa föräldrar, lärare och elever att kommunicera med varandra och hålla ordning på det dagliga skolarbetet. School Soft erbjuder fullständig insyn och transparens. Transparency – the key to success School Soft makes it easy for parents to be involved in their children's schooling. It is a simple, web-based program, designed to help parents, teachers and students communicate with each other and keep track of the day-to-day schoolwork. School Soft offers full disclosure and transparency. When logged in, parents will find information about
IES Trelleborg will be an F-9 school for around 700 students and will be situated in Fagerängen. IES Växjö is being built in Telestadshöjden and is planned for around 600 students from F-9. In Autumn 2022 the schools will open for students in grades F-7, and will then grown over the next two years until they are teaching students in grades F-9.
Choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.
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School Soft offers full disclosure and transparency. When logged in, parents will find information about To report a sick child please call before 08:00 each day. If you leave a message please state the student's name and class.
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At IES Hässelby we have a team of highly qualified and experienced international and Swedish teachers from a variety of countries, all working hard to ensure the provision of outstanding learning environments. Besöksadress Hagmarksgatan 39 Map >> 702 16 Örebro Nummer och e-post Information och frågor: Skolsekreterare Ms. Elisabeth Pettersson 019-7652247 Vaktmästare Mr. Martin Linder 019-765224 E-post till mentorer/lärare Mentorer/Lärare kontaktas enklast genom e-post
Öppenhet – nyckeln till framgång School Soft gör det enkelt för föräldrar att ta del av sina barns skolarbete. Det är ett enkelt, webbaserat program som är utformat för att hjälpa föräldrar, lärare och elever att kommunicera med varandra och hålla ordning på det dagliga skolarbetet.
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Öppenhet – nyckeln till framgång School Soft gör det enkelt för föräldrar att ta del av sina barns skolarbete. Det är ett enkelt, webbaserat program som är utformat för att hjälpa föräldrar, lärare och elever att kommunicera med varandra och hålla ordning på det dagliga skolarbetet. School Soft erbjuder fullständig insyn och transparens.
Barn ska lära sig att behärska det engelska språket, inte bara förstå det, i en tidig ålder. Transparency – the key to success School Soft makes it easy for parents to be involved in their children's schooling. It is a simple, web-based program, designed to help parents, teachers and students communicate with each other and keep track of the day-to-day schoolwork. School Soft offers full disclosure and transparency. When logged in, parents will find information about Command of English.