You now have the option to share your tracked meals in your diary with other users in the Lifesum app. Sender: 1) In order to share an already tracked meal from your diary, please go to the meal section you would like to track (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack) and click on the three dots to the right of the meal title and then on Share


Genom ny teknik och psykologi hjälper Lifesum sina 20 miljoner användare att hålla koll på kost Hälsoföretagen Lifesum och Dynamic Code tar nu steget in i ett strategiskt samarbete för att 

Lifesum  Sök efter nya Part time customer support-jobb i Fjärrarbete. Here at Lifesum, our fantastic customer support team works hard to make sure that getting in touch  Customer Support Manager. Yrke. Beräkningsingenjör, elkraft. Publicerad.

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How can I cancel my Lifesum Premium membership subscription? (Avoid a renewal) I received a discount code but when I purchased Premium the discount has not been deducted Get in contact. We want you to get in touch with the right person at Lifesum. Please select the area of interest below.

Currently working at Lifesum as a Support Manager with a focus on Customer Success.

“Love this APP Lifesum”★★★★★ “This is by far the best tracking system I’ve found to help support weight loss or to just track food. I personally use for weight loss. Love how I can upload pictures of the food I eat per meal. Love the smile icon/emojis! Great recipes! Love the charting information too!”

With a range of diet  It's not just about dropping weight, it´s about improving the quality of your life. Lifesum helps you control and improve your eating and exercise habits. Only Lifesum  LifeSum and MyFitnessPal: go to app's settings, turn on data transfer to Apple Health (for iPhone) or Google Fit (for Android). Data about calories intake will be   För att förbättra support för alla er användare söker vi nu en Community Manager: Är det här du?

Lifesum supports Withings, Moves, Runkeeper, Fitbit, Jawbone, Google Fit and Apple Health. What that means is that the Lifesum app will automatically import 

I appreciate you finding the time and effort to put this content together.

Lifesum support

Vår kundservice har öppet vardagar kl 08.00-17.00 med lunchstängt mellan kl 12.00-13.00. Telefon: 031-57 26 00. E-post:  Hämta hem app (Lifesum); Handla mat; Laga mat och göra matlådor; Äta tre stora Support. Learn · Prezi Support · Prezi Classic Support · Hire an Expert.
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Lifesum support

Juridisk information. Integritetsmeddelande · Användningsvillkor · Cookies; Cookie-inställningar; Service providers · Svar på vanliga frågor om integritet  at Gamification meetup #9 @Lifesum MyIndicators is an ehealth platform where you can design indicators, collect data and generate insights – help you take a  Lifesum. Du som vill ha extra koll på ditt mat- och vätskeintag samt din aktivitetsnivå kan jag varmt rekommendera att skaffa appen Lifesum. Lifesum är ett  These teams need some support and we hope that you are the one who wants to do it. Take this amazing opportunity to learn loads of new things and get to know  Lifesum är en svensk app som hjälper användare att hålla koll på kosten.

Spara Spara. Lifesum, Driftchef, data IT Support Specialist / Technical Specialist, Stockholm! Spara. Having read this I thought it was really informative.
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About the role As the Engineering Manager for iOS at Lifesum, you will be a part of support the personal growth of team members, R&D initiatives, team OKRs, 

Ulrike Fischer Head of Customer Support About Lifesum Stockholm-based tech startup with a vision to make it simple for people everywhere to form habits that build towards healthier, happier lives. Noom vs. LifeSum – two mobile apps that offer food logging, fitness tracking, and dietary plans. Using a tech-based app for weight loss creates a sense of accountability that improves your chances of reaching your fitness goals, but which app is more effective? We’ve analyzed the science surrounding LifeSum and Noom so that you can decide for yourself. Ulrike Fischer Head of Customer Support About Lifesum Stockholm-based tech startup with a vision to make it simple for people everywhere to form habits that build towards healthier, happier lives. Introduce about Lifesum.