Definition of buzz. (Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. 1 : to make a low continuous humming sound like that of a bee. 2 a : murmur, whisper. b : to be filled with a confused murmur the room buzzed with excitement. 3 : to make a signal with a buzzer.


Definition of BUZZ (verb): make rough continuous sound; be full of noise or activity; fly plane low over people or buildings; move around quickly and

Find out more about the name Buzz at Learn the meaning of the boy’s name Buzz on Baby Name Wizard, your trusted source for baby name origins, popularity and more! buzz translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'buzz about',buzz off',buzz around',buzz bomb', examples, definition, conjugation 2016-08-10 Buzz meaning in Urdu is بھنبھناہٹ and Buzz word meaning in roman can write as Bhinbhinaat. There are several meanings of the Buzz word and it can be used in different situations with a combination of other words as well. Buzz meaning is also available in other languages as well as you can also check the spelling of word Buzz. Meaning and definitions of buzz, translation in Sinhala language for buzz with similar and opposite words.

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Idioms with a synonymous meaning – to cause a stir. 20 Dec 2017 Moreover, all vendors love to throw buzz words around to create the next It has been around for a few years now and what it actually means,  buzz meaning. Meaning and Definition of buzz. Synonyms, Antonyms, Derived Terms, Anagrams and senses of buzz. What is buzz? buzz 의미, 정의, buzz의 정의: 1. to make a continuous, low sound such as the one a bee makes: 2.

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Translation for 'to buzz' in the free English-Swedish dictionary and many other Swedish translations.

급히 떠나다. buzz off ! A buzz is a vibrating sound, like the sound a bee makes.

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2020-04-23 · Buzz Number is something more of a code or better to say number and letter combination, which was into use during WWII so that planes could be identified & differentiated.

Buzz meaning

create a hype among the consumers about a product or service they have recently experienced. 2021-04-10 · Love Buzz by Nirvana song meaning, lyric interpretation, video and chart position What does buzz mean?A spoken definition of buzz.Intro Sound:Typewriter - TamskpLicensed under CC:BA 3.0Outro Music:Groove Groove - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech Buzz Name Meaning. The meaning of Buzz is “Village In The Woods”. Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant.
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Buzz meaning

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Video shows what buzz means. A continuous, humming noise, as of bees; a confused murmur, as of general conversation in low tones.. A whisper.. The audible fr

to make a continuous, low sound such as the one a bee makes: 2. to press a buzzer in order to…. Learn more. Buzz definition is - to make a low continuous humming sound like that of a bee.